10 Kind acts you can do this 'Random Act Of Kindness Day'

10 Kind acts you can do this 'Random Act Of Kindness Day'



Sometimes it's the smallest act that can make the biggest impact. At Lovedrobe we believe that being kind to yourself and others is so important. And as it's Random Acts of Kindness Day today, we've put together some ideas on how you can make kindness the norm.


Here are our top 10 ways you can be kind today and every day:


1. Call a friend you haven’t checked with for a while.

We're all guilty of not keeping up with our friend's lifes, we're all just busy. Set aside 15 minuites today and don't forget to ask how they are again when they say they're 'fine'




2. Pay someone a compliment.

Whether it's about our appearance, personality, or work - we all LOVE recieving compliments, so dish them out today. Just make sure they're genuine!




3. Make someone a drink.

Do the 3pm brew round in the office, shake up a cocktail or a simple glass of iced water. 




4. Send someone a joke or picture of a cute animal to cheer them up.

Extra points for knowing their favourite animals, we love cat videos here at HQ, just FYI 




5. Be a good listener.

In the words of No Doubt, don't speak. If the person you're listening to is venting, ask them if they want advice as well - or just a listening, sympathetic ear 




6. Share your favourite book with someone.

Then you can arrange to meet up and discuss once they've finished. Did someone say book club?!




7. Write a positive message for someone to find.

This works perfectly with number six, write the note on a bookmark for them to find whilst reading 




8. Donate items you no longer need to charity.

Not only does it clear out your space - you'll be helping a charity and extending the lifespan of your unwanted clothing! Win win if you ask us 




9. Acknowledge someone who deserves praise.

Maybe it's the quiet hard working one in the office, your partner, good friends or well behaved little ones - a bit of praise goes a long way 




10. End negative self-talk and negative comments about others.

Being kind to others is super important, but what about you? When you find yourself talking critically about your appearance or life - think, would I talk to my friends like this? Chances are you'd allow them much more grace and compassion. Now it's your turn! 



And remember… “Kindness is always fashionable, and always welcome” – Amelia Barr Lovedrobe x



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